오쇼 나다브라흐마 명상 - 동영상 가이드
2015. 9. 5. 11:15
OSHO Nadabrahma Meditation -- Instructions for iMeditate
Nadabrahma is the humming meditation -- through humming and hand movements conflicting parts of you start falling in tune, and you bring harmony to your whole being. Then, with body and mind totally together, you "slip out of their hold" and become a witness to both. This watching from the outside is what brings peace, silence and bliss. The meditations lasts 1 hour.
Nadabrahma is the humming meditation -- through humming and hand movements conflicting parts of you start falling in tune, and you bring harmony to your whole being. Then, with body and mind totally together, you "slip out of their hold" and become a witness to both. This watching from the outside is what brings peace, silence and bliss. The meditations lasts 1 hour.