
오쇼 쿤달리니 명상 - 동영상 가이드

파라리아 2015. 9. 5. 11:17

오쇼의 대표적인 동적 명상 중 하나인 쿤달리니 명상(Kundalini Meditation)의 최신 동영상 가이드입니다.

OSHO Kundalini Meditation -- Instructions for iMeditate

This 1-hour "sister meditation" to the OSHO Dynamic is best done at sunset or in the late afternoon. Being fully immersed in the shaking and dancing of the first two stages helps to "melt" the rock-like being, wherever the energy flow has been repressed and blocked. Then that energy can flow, dance and be transformed into bliss and joy. The last two stages enable all this energy to flow vertically, to move upwards into silence. It is a highly effective way of unwinding and letting go at the end of the day.